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About Me


Welcome to Whole Life.


Hello, I'm Janaya, a certified doula, holistic counsellor and degree qualified medicinal nutritionist.

I offer wholistic care for women and their families in the Western Regions of Victoria and suburbs of Melbourne.


I believe in the the healing powers of and nature and our inherent ability to achieve the life of happiness that we so desire and deserve. Throughout my own life journey, I have oftentimes taken two steps forward and one step back. I have come to realize that this is not failure but, one of many steps along the not-so-straight road to success.


Concieving my child was when the winds of change began blowing in my life. Once I acknowledged this pregnancy became an oppurtunity for growth and release. I like to think of that time in my life as if I were a caterpillar cocooning for the greatest transformation. I feel as though birthing gave me wings and the oppurtunity to transform once more.

The intense pain and primal movement of mind, body and spirit whilst laboring my baby, shed off the cocoon of pregnancy and released an emancipated, mother butterfly. 
This is why I became a doula, to hold that space for other women during their transformation, to hold inspire liberation and maternal instincts, to empower and give love and to be that unwavering lighouse that my doula was for me.


My other passion is using nutritous whole foods, (food as medicine) to ameliorate health conditions. There is an Ayurvedic proverb that states


When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.When diet is correct medicine is of no need.~Ayurvedic Proverb


It never ceases to amaze me how effective and and frequently a good clean diet can improve so many issues. Specifically I am interested in the microbiome, skin conditions, childrens mental and behavioural health, weight loss and cardivascular conditions.


I tailor nutritional consults to incorporate this proverb backed up by evidence based research to acheive realistic results 


I aim to meet you "where you're at", bringing knowledge, support and unconditional love to assist you on your journey through womanhood




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